Friday, October 28, 2011

School: 3 weeks in

Well...uh...well it's been different. I know there is an adjustment period. He's in a new place, new people, new routine.

We are 3 weeks in and the drop-offs are horrible. He cries and clings and the sad face stays with me all day. I cry as I walk back to my car. Today the teacher suggested I stick around and peek into the classroom a couple minutes after I leave him. So I did. He was fine! He wasn't crying, he was eating his breakfast and looking at the other kids. It literally took him a minute or 2 to calm down and settle in. I was amazed.

Picking him is also a different thing. He gets very upset when other parents come to get their kids before I get there. So, when I arrive he is hysterical. He sees me and runs to me, crying. I pick him up and he stops, plays with my necklace and lays his head down on my shoulder.

All in all, he is surviving. He isn't napping very well though. One 45 minute nap is not enough. So we have rough evenings with a cranky toddler. I hope he starts to take a longer nap. It's hard making dinner when he's literally screaming at my feet. Screaming in the tub and screaming as we get him dressed. Maybe he needs a little nap before dinner.

Initially, I was so upset by his crying that I vowed to take him out and send him back to the sitter's (his comfort zone). Veteran mama's just kept urging me to give this a chance. It's good for him in the long run, they said. Socialization, learning, new experiences, outdoor play etc. I think they are right.

He's picked him something new....he lets his body go limp if you try to hold his hand and guide him where he doesn't want to go. Ugh. It's frustrating. I just keep my cool and let him lie on the ground and walk away. He eventually follows me.

Little rat. I love him.

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