Saturday, June 11, 2011

Evan is 10 Months!

So, I feel awful. Evan has kept me so busy that I totally missed the 9 month post and I'm late on the 10 month post! Well, lets get to it.

Mr. Wild Man,

We are moving right along aren't we. Literally. You are a ball of energy and love to explore. You have perfected your cruising techniques and love to go from furniture to wall to cabinet. Anything is fair game. Evan, you are so much fun! Here are some of the activities that you enjoy:

  • Playing pass with the ball
  • Beating the drum
  • Being chased and chasing me 
  • Swinging at the park
  • Exploring your kitchen cabinet and finding bowls and spoons to make music with
  • Opening and closing ANYTHING, drawers, doors, cabinets

This was a rough month at times because you were in such discomfort with your teeth. You now have 5 teeth! You love to eat but DO NOT like getting your diaper changed because it stops you from playing and moving. I absolutely love playing with you. You'll crawl quickly out of the room then stop to check if I am following you. Then, when I move toward you, you hit the turbo button to get me to chase you. You laugh and squeal when I catch up to you. You laugh is the BEST sound ever. 

You have started a habit I'm not a fan of: screaming loudly to get something. I hope that's just a phase. 

I enjoy our time together. After our day of work and daycare, we come home and eat a snack picnic style in your room. We share pears, cheerios, animal crackers, grapes, cottage cheese and even popsicles on hot days. Then we play, eat dinner and wait for the sun to start setting so that we can go on our walk. 

Dad gets to hang out with you every other Friday and while you were hanging out, he took a few pictures. 

Oy, the mis-matched outfit.....but still adorable as ever! Your laughter and smile are infectious. I'm the luckiest mama.

Mommy loves you!

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