My oh my! My babe is a full fledged toddler. Evan keeps me so busy that I'll be lucky to do quarterly posts about his growth and development. Here's the scoop on what's happened since his 1st birthday:
He has 4 molars and all of his incisors are starting to poke out! Got them all at once, of course that was a blast. He's 25 pounds and 31.5 inches tall. He eats a ton some days and then others just grazes or is happy with milk for dinner. I was really stressing about it (because
I couldn' live without dinner) but the doc says it's perfectly normal.
He walks, runs, climbs and is even learning to spin in circles. He can entertain himself for longer stretches of time now. For example, he will sit and stack cans or blocks for 10 minutes straight. Sometimes I just sit and watch his concentration, it's amazing. We were unpacking groceries one day and found him sitting with the cans stacking and unstacking them. He also likes to put the tops on things and take it off again. I was making dinner and he sat at my feet focusing hard on putting the cap on a bottle. He was so proud when he did it! He also loves to put items into a box, close it up then open it up again and take them out. It's fun to watch him think things through. Other activities include: climbing over the dogs, chasing Gary the cat, turning over laundry baskets to stand on them and anything outdoors.
He has become very helpful. He loves to hand you things. Stuff out of the dishwasher, clothes and stuff you ask for. He loves books, his stuffed dog and his soft blanket. He also discovered french fries and is hooked. We only get them once in a while otherwise he would turn into a potato. Other favorites include, eggs, broccoli, waffles, yogurt, bananas, blueberries, strawberries and pumpkin pie....He also is really trying hard to feed himself with utensils. He does NOT like when I do it for him and puts up a fight. I let him go at it with a spoon and yogurt and boy that was a mess, but fun!

He has developed a fear of having water poored over his head so we take it slow when rinsing his hair or he'll have a melt down. Diaper changing has become an even bigger challenge. I don't blame him, it takes away from his time to explore and be adventurous! Yet, it's a big chore for Dad and I. Shrieks and screams, kicks and rolls. It's tough. Still going strong on the cloth diapering though. He has to wear disposables to school but the rest of the time he is in cloth. Other tough areas: nail clipping, hair brushing, teeth brushing....ooof.
An awesome development since starting school: He can point to his eyes, nose, ears, belly and feet! It's so neat to see him learning.
We visited the pumpkin patch in October and he had a blast running around the farm. For Halloween, he was The Hulk and even went to his first Halloween party. He danced to the live band.
My boy has a ton of energy, loves to explore, loves to be outside, has developed a great sense of humor and has a smile that melts my heart. Evan is growing so fast and his independence is quickly growing. I love hanging out with my dude.